Have you thought about writing a portion of your personal story? When people hear your story do they say, “You should write a book!”? Are there lessons you’ve learned and long to share with others?
Have you considered fictionalizing your story?
Fiction? I don’t know how to write fiction. If that’s what you’re thinking, I relate. No really, I do. Yes, I’ve written seven novels, several of them award-winners and bestsellers, but when I embarked on writing my first novel, I’d spent almost fifteen years studying the craft of nonfiction. I loved reading fiction, but I had no idea how to write a novel! I did, however, have a story to share and for several reasons I didn’t want to write it as memoir or as nonfiction. So, instead…
I decided to fictionalize my personal story.
If you’ve read my debut novel, Words, you may also know that it went on to win the Christy Award – one of the highest honors for Christian fiction – for Best First Novel. All that to say: YOU can learn to write fiction, and learn to write it well!
I’ve now fictionalized several portions of my personal story and I’d love to share the process I’ve developed with you through my Fictionalize Workshop and Fictionalize Planner.
The workshop and planner will help you begin thinking through the foundational elements of your story and how they might translate to fiction.