
In January 2010, I sold my first book to a publisher. Since then, I’ve written six additional full-length novels, and I’ve built a business. But over the last decade I also endured a MAJOR back surgery, seven additional surgeries, the breakup of my 29-year marriage, multiple moves, and bouts of depression. And that’s just the beginning.

Why list those events?

Because I need to remind myself of the truth. And I encourage you to do the same. Here’s why.

I signed onto Facebook yesterday and noticed another author’s post—she was celebrating the release of her fifteenth novel. Her debut novel was published the same year as my debut novel. She’s now written more than twice as many books as I’ve written. I also noticed another novelist’s post in her private readers group. I glanced at the number of participants in her group, did the math, and realized she has 90% more people in her group than I have in mine. Then I read of another author’s starred review in Publisher’s Weekly.

You see where this is going, right?

Downhill. And fast.

But I caught myself. Because I know what happens when you reach the bottom of the comparison hill—you crash. Hard. And a crash like that can leave a woman, a writer, paralyzed. Unable to move forward through her own perceived failures.

Instead, I’ve learned to put on the brakes. To stop. And to take stock. “What’s true?” I ask myself. Then I make a list, sometimes like the one above. Other times, I list all the tasks I’ve accomplished in a week, especially when one unfinished project tempts me to believe I’ve done nothing significant.

But more important than asking ourselves what’s true? is turning to the Truth. In those moments when we’ve compared our circumstances to those of another and ended up feeling discontented, what does Jesus say? I hear him whisper, his tone tender, “What is that to you?” (John 21:15–22).

Yes, what is that to me? What is that to you? God’s path for someone else is not his path for me, nor is it his path for you.

The question then comes, will I trust God’s path for me?

Will I trust that he loves me beyond fathoming? Will I trust even when I don’t understand? Will I trust that he works all things for good for those who love him, those he’s called (Romans 8:28)?

Will I trust him?

Will you?

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